Plastic Free July: History, Importance, and How You Can Participate

The History of Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July began in 2011 as an initiative of the Western Metropolitan Regional Council (WMRC). Founded by Rebecca Prince-Ruiz and a small team in local government, the movement aimed to raise awareness about the growing issue of plastic waste. Since its inception, Plastic Free July has grown into a global movement, inspiring millions of people in over 170 countries to reduce their plastic usage and make more sustainable choices.

Why Plastic Free July is Important

Plastic waste has become a critical environmental issue, with millions of tons of plastic polluting our oceans, harming wildlife, and contributing to climate change. Here are a few reasons why Plastic Free July is crucial:

  1. Environmental Impact: Reducing plastic waste helps protect marine life and ecosystems from plastic pollution, which can cause severe harm to animals and plants.
  2. Health Concerns: Many plastics contain harmful chemicals that can leach into food and beverages, posing health risks to humans.
  3. Climate Change: The production and disposal of plastic contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating global warming.
  4. Waste Management: Reducing plastic waste can alleviate the burden on landfills and improve waste management practices

How to Participate in Plastic Free July

Participating in Plastic Free July can be both fun and rewarding. Here are some steps you can take to join the movement:

  1. Start Small: Begin by identifying single-use plastics in your daily routine and finding alternatives. Common items to replace include plastic bags, straws, and water bottles.
  2. Bring Your Own: Carry reusable bags, bottles, and containers to minimize plastic waste when shopping or dining out.
  3. Choose Plastic-Free Products: Opt for products with minimal or no plastic packaging. Look for items packaged in paper, glass, or other sustainable materials.
  4. Educate and Advocate: Share your journey with friends and family, and encourage them to join the challenge. Spread awareness on social media using the hashtag #PlasticFreeJuly.
  5. Support Businesses: Patronize businesses that are committed to reducing plastic waste and offer sustainable alternatives.

Making a Difference Without Being Completely Plastic-Free

Going entirely plastic-free can be daunting and difficult, but you don’t have to be perfect to make a positive impact. Here are some tips for participating in Plastic Free July without going completely plastic-free:

  1. Focus on Reduction: Aim to reduce your plastic consumption rather than eliminate it completely. Every small change counts.

  2. Prioritize Reusables: Use reusable items wherever possible and try to repurpose or recycle plastic items you already have.

  3. Be Mindful of Purchases: When buying new products, consider their environmental impact and opt for more sustainable options when available.

  4. Engage in Community Efforts: Participate in local clean-up events or start one in your community to help reduce plastic waste in your area.

  5. Learn and Adapt: Educate yourself about the impact of plastic waste and continuously seek ways to improve your plastic usage habits.

Five Plastic-Free Products You Can Try Today

1. Laundry Bundle by Meliora 

This laundry bundle is the perfect plastic-free alternative for eco-conscious consumers. Get all the laundry products you need, all packaged in reusable and recyclable materials. Free from synthetic fragrances and harmful chemicals, the products are made with natural ingredients like baking soda and organic essential oils. Certified cruelty-free and vegan, this bundle not only ensures clean clothes but also promotes environmental sustainability and transparency in ingredient sourcing. Ditch the big plastic bottles of detergent and try Meliora for a plastic-free laundry solution. 

2. The Rice Olive Oil Soap by Sitti

This soap is a perfect plastic-free alternative for eco-friendly skincare. It comes in fully biodegradable packaging, eliminating the need for plastic. This handcrafted soap, made from sustainably-sourced olive oil and rice milk, provides a luxurious lather and gentle exfoliation. Opt for this eco-conscious choice to enhance your skincare routine while reducing plastic waste.

3. The Exceptional Skin Regimen Kit by J&L Naturals

This is the is the ideal plastic-free alternative for your skincare routine. The Exceptional Skin Regimen Kit includes high-quality facial care products, without the plastic packaging! This comprehensive kit offers everything you need for a complete skincare regimen, from cleansers to moisturizers, ensuring your skin remains healthy and radiant without contributing to plastic waste. By choosing this kit, you're making a sustainable choice that benefits both your skin and the environment.

4. Bamboo Toothbrush by J&L Naturals

Plastic toothbrushes are responsible for 50 million pounds of waste in our landfills each year. This toothbrush handle is made from biodegradable bamboo so you can simply compost them after use! You'll wonder why you hadn't switched sooner.

5. The Mountain Lines Eco Tote Bag by Seek Dry Goods

This reusable tote bag is an ideal plastic-free alternative to single-use plastic bags, which often end up in landfills and oceans, harming wildlife and the environment. By choosing this eco-friendly option, you're making a sustainable and impactful choice.




Plastic Free July is a powerful movement that encourages individuals to take actionable steps toward reducing plastic waste. By understanding its history and importance, and learning how to participate meaningfully, you can contribute to a healthier planet. Remember, you don’t have to be perfect; every effort counts. Join us this July and make a lasting difference in the fight against plastic pollution.

By following these tips and embracing the spirit of Plastic Free July, we can collectively make a significant impact on reducing plastic waste and promoting sustainability. Together, let's work towards a plastic-free future!

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