A note from Hassan (our Head of Good Tech) about TeamSeas

A note from Hassan (our Head of Good Tech) about TeamSeas:

TeamSeas is a global initiative to remove 30 million pounds of plastic from the ocean by January 1, 2022. It's not headed up by a huge corporation or government, it's being carried out by normal, everyday people through social media and individual efforts. 

I love these kinds of initiatives. Even with all of our differences—whether geographical or ethnic, religious or demographic—initiatives likes this show that at the core of it, all human beings are very much the same, and given the right circumstances and the right moment, we are capable of so much goodness and greatness.

We need campaigns like this, because it's time to replenish the planet that, so far, we've only been taking from. Of all the places in the universe that human beings are fascinated with—of all the glorious things out there in the skies above—Earth is special. So far, it is the only planet that sustains life. So we all must make it a top priority to do everything we can to preserve it. And that's why global campaigns where everyone can play a part are so important.

I've seen many different plans for restoration and ocean clean up, but this one seems to be highly effective. I love their threefold approach of first cutting out the waste coming in, then cleaning the beaches and the oceans—it's brilliant.

Access to clean water is not and should not be a privilege. It should be a given. We all share the same planet, and no matter what separates us, what the ground gives should be the same for everyone, everywhere.

That's why for every purchase on Saturday, December 4, we will donate to remove one pound of trash from the ocean through TeamSeas!

Find out more about TeamSeas here.

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