Wishbone Bike RE2 turns waste plastic into an award-winning bike for toddlers. This is a beautiful, multi-functional design for ages 18 months to 6 years. Toddlers learn to balance and ride on a bike that fits perfectly as they grow. With easy assembly and rotafixTM frame & seat adjustability for years of joy. Trike Kit sold separately for 12 months and up. 5-year warranty. Made from recycled bottles & carpet. Lasts longer, is lighter in weight, and has lower carbon emissions than a steel bike. RE2 "Raw" color components contain zero additives for outstanding recyclability.
Wishbone Bike teaches children to ride the easy way. No pedals, no stress.
The original award-winning Wishbone Bike is now better than ever! Launched in November 2019, Wishbone Bike RE2 is seriously sustainable: Multi-functional, lighter weight, durable, easy assembly and disassembly, fully repairable, made from post-consumer recycled bottles & carpet, zero-waste frame & wheels with minimum additives for maximum recyclability. Did we mention low carbon emissions? You can even send it back when you're done reprocessing into more Wishbone Bikes!
This is an industry-leading, no-guilt, super-functional bike for toddlers that are set to transform the future of toy design. Play more, waste less.
Assembled size and weight 43" x 19" x 18.5", 9.8 lbs. Comes with black grips. Seat cover, stickers & colored grips are sold separately. 5-year warranty.
Wishbone Bike RE2 is our challenge to the global toy industry. Producing USD 20 billion in toys in 2017, around 90% of which were plastic, toy manufacturers are generating more landfill waste than our planet can cope with. It is time for toy brands to lead the way to a sustainable future.
Made from post-consumer recycled plastic and employing hi-tech production techniques, Wishbone Bike RE2 for babies & toddlers minimizes raw materials, production waste, and material degradation while maximizing strength, longevity, and style. Read on to learn why Wishbone Bike Recycled Edition was named Best Green Product Design on three continents.